Thursday, December 29, 2016

Kalm with Kava - Vula Waka

I kept drinking Vula Waka throughout the evening, getting into my third session around 9 PM. Vula Waka has a building presence in that it seems to accumulate in your muscles and really steer you towards a restful sleep. In other words, over the space of about five hours I went from a limb-numbing sedation to a more heady heaviness that gave some weight to my eyelids and eventually walked me towards my mattress. In this sense, it reminds me a lot of a Borongoru in its relaxing completeness – it’s ability to medicinally relax and provoke a deep and wholesome slumber. Another great thing about this Kava is that a little bit goes a long, long way. I consider a 4-5 tablespoon session that gets you from a body buzz to a heady sedation to be quite potent. On top of that, the “session”-like quality of this Kava is nice in that it takes you through different phases. 1-2 shells works to relax the body and calm the muscles, while 3-5 shells takes you to a headier space. It’s nice to have a Kava where you can control for the kind of effect you want.
Kalm with Kava’s Vula Waka – 9.6/10
Strength – Starts medium strength, builds to very strong within a short period
Also, check out Kalm with Kava’s Borongoru for a more “let’s get to sleep” variety:

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