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Monday, October 4, 2010
Kule's Kava Farm - Fiji Kava
What can I say, this tastes and feels pretty much like any Kava I've had from Fiji, with the single exception of Waka Kava from Pacific Kava. No hard feelings towards this Kava, or Nakamal at Home's Fiji Kava, but it is just not a buzz that I crave too much. Pleasant, tasty, and mellow? Yes. Mind-blowing and extra stress-relieving? No.
Of course, Fijian Kavas taste wonderful. Very refreshing and easy to put down, perfect for sitting around with friends. You could easily take down five or six shells of this stuff by yourself and still feel like drinking more. Very light, creamy, and smooth. Has quite the nice anesthetic effect on the lips, and doesn't cause any kind of serious gag effect or upset stomach. This would be the ideal Kava for a newcomer or for a Kava party. Probably even more ideal would be a cold pitcher of this at a Kava bar.
The effects are nice, with a mild stimulating buzz and a pleasant body high. Fijian Kavas - again, with the exception of Pacific Kava's Waka Kava - always strike me as being very utilitarian. You can brew this stuff up and just drink all night without having to worry about being blasted too far off. Imagine downing five or six shells of Solomon or Wow, that would take you pretty deep into the jungly heart of Kava-world. Fiji Kava allows you to be yourself with a little added buzz; it's a nice Kava that likes to be neutral in a world of extremes. Like I said in earlier reviews of Nakamal at Home's Fiji Kava, this stuff is good to keep around for Sunday and Monday nights. No excuse to get krunk, but you still need some Kava. I like it.
Flavor - 7.5/10
Effect (Mind) - 7/10
Effect (Body) - 7/10
Strength - Mild
Kule's Kava Farm Fiji Kava - 7.2/10
Kule's Kava Farm Fiji Kava, PNG Kava, and Vanuatu Melomelo can all be purchased from for a good price. Plus, you'll get 'em really quick:
this was my first Kava ever. found the taste very "earthy", maybe to much for a first timer. But it packed a smooth all over feeling. I can understand why some might prefer a PNG like this very nice balance. Not too heady and an over all nice to it. My quick Kava method is a heaping tablespoon and a tea bag in the Kava "sack" to a cup of very warm water. Kneed a few times and repeat. This Kava is pricey. I have the trigger on some Rex once the rest of your reviews are in. thanks!
ReplyDeleteAwe crap... they're out of the stock on the Fijian strainer bags, and I lost mine!